just seen killing them softly...wot a pointless empty plot
Over the last couple of days have watched
Bourne Legacy - MUCH better than i expected. I did not have high hopes but was pleasantly surprised.
(New) Total Recall - would have been ok if i had not been such a big fan of the original but this Colin Farrell version is not a patch on the Arnie movie. Worth watching though.
Echelon (?) Conspiracy - passed a couple of hours. The usual 'a rogue computer is going to take over the world' type film.
Flight - Mr Washingtons new film about the pilot who crash lands the plane. Faultless acting from all involved, even John Goodman. Potential for some Oscars and would recommend it to all
Anyone see The Master, Joaquin Phoenix gives one of the best performances I've ever seen in it.
Animal kingdom. Absolutely suberb.
Robin Hood. What a piece of crap.
Watched Old School again. What a film. Will ferrell is amazing.
Anyone watched "Cloud Atlas" , got it downloaded and ready to watch but the trailer was a bit vague ??
Anyone watched "Cloud Atlas" , got it downloaded and ready to watch but the trailer was a bit vague ??
I'v seen it and it is almost impenetrable plot wise...It appears to be made up of tributes to various film genres with the same actors playing various parts..Very strange but oddly watchable and Tom hanks is fantastic.
When you've seen it i would be interested in what you think....Think its about second chances...or something.
Man of Steel
decent film, thought the actor who plays superman was really good.