They just ripped off the original Star Wars, lazy, very lazy film making, Rogue One is the only original out of the 3, The Last Jedi borrows heavily from Empire Strikes Back and Return of The Jedi.Watched the last hour of force awakens last night while it was on tv, first time seeing it again since around the time it came out, it's as bad as I remembered, crap
Watched the last hour of force awakens last night while it was on tv, first time seeing it again since around the time it came out, it's as bad as I remembered, crap
Watched the last hour of force awakens last night while it was on tv, first time seeing it again since around the time it came out, it's as bad as I remembered, crap
up to Mr Brightside and tent/plot eviction.Right up my street.Well done. xThis afternoon sunshine.Just getting the prepping done for lunch tomorrow with the the Inbetweeners 2 on in the background.Then me and the missus will settle down with a few drinks.I will let you know. x
I really liked rogue one to be honest but yeah, the rest have been gashIts utter tosh, all of them have been since Return of the Jedi.
WOOLI really liked rogue one to be honest but yeah, the rest have been gash