In case anyone was interested in renting Movie 43. I'm going to spoil it for you with these reviews. No need to thank me.
From Richard Roeper.
Academy Award winner Halle Berry no longer can cite “Catwoman” as the low point of her career. In “Movie 43,” she initiates a game of “Truth or Dare” on a blind date — and that leads to Berry making guacamole by mashing avocados with her bare breasts, and inserting a turkey baster filled with extra-hot sauce into herself. And then things get REALLY ugly. My God, do they get ugly.
here is ny daily news
Anna Faris’s character wants her boyfriend (Chris Pratt) to perform a scatological sex act that we’re forced to view in full color. Halle Berry makes guacamole with her (prosthetic) breasts. Chloe Grace Moretz gets her period for the first time, which panics and disgusts everyone around her. Elizabeth Banks is urinated on by a cartoon cat, who has graphic sexual fantasies about Josh Duhamel