Last few nights have found me traipsing around ITV4 , Film4 and 5Star territory so...
Mad Max / Mad Max 2 - Great genre films. The editings a bit harsh and jumpy, especially in the first, but good action flicks.
Death Wish 2 - I like a stupidly violent and cheese filled vigilante film but Michael Winner was such a leering director when it came to sexual violence against women that it's pretty much unwatchable for me.
Gone In Sixty Seconds - Good cast, terrible film. And in a film starring a (near) mute Vinnie Jones and where Nic Cage clearly isn't arsed and doesn't get out of first gear on the Cage Gauge then special praise must go to Christopher Eccleston for still being outstandingly bad in a very crowded field.
Punisher: War Zone - So supremely stupid and over the top that I ended up enjoying it. Dominic West brings zero subtlety and the cartoonish violence brings even less.
Lucy - Looks good and has a few genuinely good set-pieces but really falls away in the final act and feels very hollow and half arsed as a story. The most meh of the lot.