DOPE (2015)
No idea what this film was supposed to be about. On the surface it's kind of a brightly designed comedy about three High Schoolers who fall into having to sell Molly which is basically glorified in this movie. Low budget fare with interesting characters set around the hoods of LA. I think Keirsey Clemons (Diggy) is one to watch out for. She's cute. 2/5
There's something great about British Horror in the 70's / 80's and sadly this isn't quite it. A stranger, in super awkward scenes has a baby in a couples house and disappears, leaving them to bring up the child with their own four kids. What follows is the next few years, where each of the children is bumped off by the baby blonde. The most horrifying thing here is the acting, the direction, the music, the characters, etc etc. Cyd Haymen though. She was Hot. 2/5
This is a little gem of a film. Oliver Reed made some really moronic career decisions down the years when he should have been one of Cinemas finest. I'm currently binging on his work, I've got 'The Trap', 'The Jokers' and 'The Shuttered Room' cued up next. This is the film they say inspired 'The Shining'. The book Burnt Offerings was published in 1972, The Shining 1977, so you be the Judge. A couple and their son take over the running of a stately home. On the condition they feed 'Mrs Allardyce' three times a day in the room upstairs. The delicious Karen Black starts to become obsessed with the house, while Reed suddenly becomes physcotic in the pool with their son. He also starts to have visions of a really creepy smiling chauffeur pulling up to the house, which is fairly nightmarish. It's actually a really good film with a great ending, one where you could see how Kubrick took to the next level with Nicholson. 4 / 5.
Filmed mostly on the Gold Coast, I know loads of crew who worked on this, the same that just filmed 'Pirates of the Caribbean 5' and will line up to shoot 'Thor Ragnarok' in January next year. 'Prometheus 2'( or Alien : Paradise Lost) is scheduled to shoot in Oz at the same time. Anyway, I digress. This film really isn't as bad as most will make out. Paul Giamatti plays the science guy perfectly. He gets all the cool lines. The Rocks daughter in this movie does not look like she sprung forth from what the Islander looking Rock usually cooks in his pants. But she's kind of hot. The brunette Kate Upton. This movie is amazing in one respect, and I'll tell you why. Two Words. Carla. Gugino. She's basically the perfect woman. I am in love with her. 5/5 for Hot Lips Gugino. 2/5 for the rest.
I'm really liking what Jake Gylenhall is pumping out. If you look his competitors in the same age group, he is head and shoulders above the rest IMO. Films like Prisoners, Source Code, Nightcrawler have showcased his talents brilliantly. Southpaw is another solid effort. I did struggle to wonder why they made this film though. It's basically Rocky V. Playing Billy - Yep you guessed it - Hope, our great white hope, he has to battle people, intelligence and the system to regain his life, his fortune and his daughter. Forest Whitaker is fairly rubbish. Rachael McAdams is a goddess. I've just seen that he's due to star in 'The Current War' as George Westinghouse opposite Bendict Cumberbatch's Tomas Edison. 3/5