Skem is just a bizarre place, down is up, north is South, left is right... You never see anyone, first time I drove through there I was like wtf, there's no pavements!
Turns out if you look to the sides of the road there are tunnels running everywhere under the roads, the residents are all like the Vietcong or the "Borrower's" ... apart from some nutjob fella who was proudly standing on a grass verge up by the ole Silver Birch pub, wearing a white vest and had a massive parrot on his shoulder. Nearly stuck my car through a roundabout as I gaped at captain cock custard there.
Also never dis the roundabouts, especially half mile Island, there is a weird proudness of them, an almost patriotic demeanour thats embedded in the psyche, it definitely doesn't respond well to criticism.
Last time I drove through there I seen some fella eating a fox... Turns out they were just kissing