The Lord of the Rings Trilogy is one of the epic moments in cinema.
And that Jackson pulled it off, a hand has to go to the man.
Take a massively epic book, set in a time and a location that doesn't exist, make three uniquely interesting films and be true to it, and then make about 3 billion dollars and was it 11 oscars? is really beyond 99.9% of the population, me and George Lucas included.
Ive been to Park Road, the post production facility built with the money made from the LOTR films housing a film lab, weta, and Park Road Post and its spectacular. He's cordoned off a part of Wellington and made it into a film production hub.
There's a cinema where they do all the sound mixing for films and I swear you can hear the blood pumping around your skull when theres no sound. You have to get out of there.
These three films were as close to perfection you can imagine. They may not be your favourite films, you may not even like them, but seriously, you have no idea how many jobs that film created.
And as for location, where else could you have shot this film? Remember your not going to get the tax breaks on your 300 million if you shoot it in the states or Europe barring the Czech Republic.