He's a far superior footballer, who is actually capable of trapping a ball and linking up play.
'Far superior footballer' based on what? He doesn't score more goals or assists more. Lukaku does so surely he is the better striker.
If Benteke is much better at trapping a ball and linking up play (I don't think the difference is that big) but it doesn't lead to more goals then I don't see how he is a far superior footballer or at least not a superior striker.
Lukaku's goals per minute ratio was fantastic in 2012/13 (third in the division), when he was used predominantly as an impact sub at West Brom. Benteke still outscored him 19-17.
Benteke outscored him but you are ignoring that he also played 800 minutes more. If you calculate the goals per minute ratio Lukaku was better.
Benteke: 2819 mins / 19 goals = 148 mins/goal
Lukaku: 2004 mins / 17 goals = 118 mins/goal
As I’ve already said Lukaku has been better every single year expect for last season when they were equal.
benteke 186 mins/goal
lukaku 141 mins/goal
benteke 251 mins/goal
lukaku 188 mins/goal
benteke 148 mins/goal
lukaku 132 mins/goal
benteke 207 mins/goal
lukaku 175 mins/goal
benteke 188 mins/goal
lukaku 187 mins/goal
benteke 219 mins/goal
lukaku 174 mins/goal
If for some reason you want to ignore Europe and the Cups, Lukaku has still been better every year bar last year.
benteke 188 mins/goal
lukaku 97 mins/goal
benteke 334 mins/goal
lukaku 183 mins/goal
benteke 148 mins/goal
lukaku 118 mins/goal
benteke 213 mins/goal
lukaku 173 mins/goal
benteke 183 mins/goal
lukaku 287 mins/goal
And that’s not including the assists where lukaku has been superior pretty much every year.
Once Lukaku started playing more it levelled off, to the point where last season his league output was woeful.
He scored 15 goals in 13/14 that’s really not bad (better than benteke too).
Last season he obviously didn't play great in the league but that wasn't all his fault, the whole team played bad and he was playing with his back to goal and barely got any service. He also played very well in Europe and the Cup.
Also Benteke didn't look very impressive until February either, scoring only 2 goals in the first 1412 minutes and only seemed to improve when Sherwood started playing to his strength. Same way Lukaku immediately looks better when we play that way.
I actually think he'd be great in that role if he was willing to accept it (much like Hernandez, who was top that year)
Maybe that would be his best role (or at least give him the highest mins/goal ratio) but he’s still good enough to be our main striker. I’m not sure who you would want instead that’s better and would come here.
I'll be pleasantly surprised if he outscores Benteke next season.
If they both get utilised the same way I expect Lukaku to outscore Benteke, same way he has done 4 out of the last 5 seasons.