Fellow Toffee here, from Florida. Been a football fan my entire life, played while I was a kid. Being in the US, we didn't get much football on TV, except for CL, and it was always the same teams. During my second year of college (2000) I had roommates from England, and they were United, Chelsea, and Arsenal fans....go figure. I had to pick a team to support, and I picked Everton. So I've only been a fan for about 10 years, but I've been a loyal one! 
Where about are you from?: Melbourne Beach, Florida
How did you find these forums?: Google
How did you become an Evertonian?: See my too long of an intro above!
Your all-time favourite Everton player?: Gotta say Big Dunc
Your current favourite player?: Fellaini
Pineapple on Pizza, Is it socially acceptable? What are your views?: Come on, I'm from Florida! (Acceptable, I don't eat it, but most of my friends do)

Where about are you from?: Melbourne Beach, Florida
How did you find these forums?: Google
How did you become an Evertonian?: See my too long of an intro above!
Your all-time favourite Everton player?: Gotta say Big Dunc
Your current favourite player?: Fellaini
Pineapple on Pizza, Is it socially acceptable? What are your views?: Come on, I'm from Florida! (Acceptable, I don't eat it, but most of my friends do)