Man City v Everton. 6th Dec at 17.30.

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Utter joke. 5 defeats shocking ref shocking Everton till the game is near over. We laughed at moyes and hailed roberto last season we look an ordinary bang average side and don't look like turning this around soon.

Never looked like getting anything in all reality. The ref didn't help us at all and we are so sloppy with the ball. Citys inter-play is brilliant, they are all over the pitch making themselves available with yards of space to spare. That is something our players need to learn. We still have too many players below par to get any rhythm going.
I remember when we used to scare the crap out of those beggers.

It's a shame we just roll over and get our bellys tickled by them, these days.

City away is as hard a game as you get and we would hve got something had the ref not screwed us over so there is that. But that was another terrible performance in a week filled with them, the onus was on us to attack as we were behind and we couldn't at all. Yes, city weren't great but city didn 't need to be better then they were, we did and we couldn't.

I don't care that much about results in the league, we're not getting in a relegation fight, we're not winning it, so whatever, europe and the cups are much more important. But I do care about our team playing that badly, again. It's not good.

Doesn't excuse that refereeing display, though.

Bloody nora! If it isn't the opposition beating us it's ourselves, and if it's not ourselves then it's the ref!

Relegation just shortened to 250/1 for us.

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