The work that has gone into deals already is massive, unfortunately there's some within who are undermining efforts to help give some people a story.
People wonder why The Echo never know anything these days and this is exactly why.
If news gets out that a player might be joining us, other teams who are probably a better prospect (wages & European football) have them on their list but not #1 or #2 still see them as a viable option and don't want us getting that player who would improve us and cause more competition to them.
Spurs might have a £60m midfielder at #1 who we definitely can't get. If they hear news that were in for Højbjerg who might be #3 or #4 on their list, they make the calculated decision that actually buying him for £25m means he'll still do a job and fulfill something Mourinho wants but also damage us. That in turn means we end up going for the next option or no one at all.