Testimonials tend to work better with a crowdSlightly off topic but why didn't we give testimonials to Jagielka and Baines?
Testimonials tend to work better with a crowdSlightly off topic but why didn't we give testimonials to Jagielka and Baines?
Penno plays, we riot.
We could start another team from scratch, the Everton Rejects.Based on the proposal by the red clubs, and if these players are going to be paid by EFC no matter what, would it be good PR to loan these types of players out for free to Div1 or Div2 clubs?
It used to be a way to send a player off with a bit of dosh in his pocket but that is hardly needed now. I suspect we don't see as many charity orientated testimonials these days because clubs go on these stupid lucrative tours and it leaves less time in the schedule.It was just a way to use a pre-season game as a chance to raise some money for charity, and people lost their arses over it for some reason
Both passed 10 years a couple of years agoTestimonials tend to work better with a crowd
then got utterly merked by Mane and Coutinho, I heard his head is still spinning....scored in a Derby, though.
then got utterly merked by Mane and Coutinho, I heard his head is still spinning.
He did but for me that saved him been subbed the 1st 20mins lol as i thought he was that bad, he was just as bad for the next 40 or so after it he played...scored in a Derby, though.
He did but for me that saved him been subbed the 1st 20mins lol as i thought he was that bad, he was just as bad for the next 40 or so after it he played
Says a lot about our youth system and player development. Disgrace that a player can get to the age of 26 still stuck on a massively long contract without anybody acknowledging he wasn't good enough to make the leap. The player has lost years of his career and Everton have lost millions in potential sale value. If they aren't knocking at the door of the 1st team by age 20 they need to be OUT.