Fully agree mate. Music encaptures a whole host of memories. When it came to choosing songs for Cal's funeral, I had no problems deciding which I wanted. One of them was I got you under my skin by Sinatra. This was indeed the first dance at our wedding nearly 30 years ago. We didn't actually choose the song ourselves. We asked a mutual work mate of ours (who had a fantastic singing voice) if he would sing at our wedding, and he chose it. Outside the crem after the funeral service I was pleasantly surprised to see our friend was one of the mourners. I probably hadn't seen him in about 5 years or so. I said I'm surprised to see you mate. I half expected you to join in the singing if you were here. He said I would have done if I wasn't crying. I just filled up when the music started. I said so did I mate.
It isn't just old memories either. During the summer Cal and I were lucky enough to see the Human league live down here in Cornwall. They were absolutely brilliant and we had a great night. The first week I was home after Cal passed away, I was doing some cooking. When I'm cooking I always play music, usually an 80s playlist from my CD which I have on random play. I turned it on and the first song was Don't you want me baby by the Human League and I instantly felt like she was there with me. Same when I saw the latest John Lewis xmas advert which has a remix version of Electric Dreams as the music. Human League finished with this song at the summer concert.
But like you, I often cry when listening to certain music, even before Cal passed on. We were having a barbecue last summer, having spent the day at the beach. It was a lovely evening, we'd had a few cocktails and had the TV blasting away with a Genesis concert on Youtube whilst sausages and burgers were cooking on the BBQ. I just spontaneously started crying, and I realised it was because I was so happy. The combination of factors had just got to me.