Messymascot's faith in humanity and ginger safe haven

Morning Messy, Fred and everyone. Hope everyone is well after a good night. Didn’t sleep too well myself, woke up worrying about everything and nothing. Listened to a podcast to take my mind off things, ended up listening to True Crime about a woman and her husband who killed her parents and buried them in the back garden! Just the sort of thing to lull anyone back to sleep lol. Hope your dog is okay @jazzy Meeting a friend for coffee and a natter this morning. Have a good day all.
Morning Messy, Fred and everyone. Hope everyone is well after a good night. Didn’t sleep too well myself, woke up worrying about everything and nothing. Listened to a podcast to take my mind off things, ended up listening to True Crime about a woman and her husband who killed her parents and buried them in the back garden! Just the sort of thing to lull anyone back to sleep lol. Hope your dog is okay @jazzy Meeting a friend for coffee and a natter this morning. Have a good day all.
Good morning all. @messymascot hope you are having a good day and, of course, doing as you are told! ? ? @jazzy I hope the dog is OK. It's a bit of a worry when they are old. I'm currently being micro managed by the cat who is sitting on top of three board games on top of the fridge watching my every move.
I'm off tomorrow, I changed my hours a couple of years ago. Dropped 3 hours a week and work four longer days so I have Wednesdays off. Best thing I ever did. Going to finish off the Christmas shopping and wrap the last few things. In the meantime I'm having a row with my boss about quality sampling. Just because I'm no longer a union rep doesn’t meantime I can't still kick off about things. lol

Enjoy your day everybody.
Thanks anj

Morning Messy and the gang.

Up pretty early today.

Had a bit of roof damage in the recent storm and builder here first thing to fix.

Bit of a complication because I've got to take one of the dogs whose 14 to the vets. He started to limp for no particular reason so a worry.

Anyway I hope that today is a good day for everyone.

Last table tennis match before Christmas tonight.

Hope you have a good day Messy and it would be lovely to hear from you if you can.
Sorry to hear about your dog Jazz. Hope he's OK.

Reminds me of an amusing little story. A few years ago we were enjoying a short break in the Lake District at one of our favourite hotels called the Wild Boar, a few miles outside Bowness. There was a charming little Westie called Lucy staying there with her mum. (not her real mum obviously :)). On our first evening enjoying pre dinner drinks in the bar, we were introduced to Lucy, an extremely friendly and lovable little pooch. Suddenly she started whining and limped across to her mum. Cal and I were like OMG is she OK, what's happened?. Her mum, with a big smile on her face says yeah she's fine. She just needs a placebo. She proceeds to take this pill like item from her bag and pop it in Lucy's mouth and she immediately perked up and started running about again. A miracle pill I said. No just a dog treat she said laughing.

This dog had cottoned onto the fact that she'd get a treat if she pretended she had a sore paw. lol I love dogs but Westies have always been my favourite.
Sorry to hear about your dog Jazz. Hope he's OK.

Reminds me of an amusing little story. A few years ago we were enjoying a short break in the Lake District at one of our favourite hotels called the Wild Boar, a few miles outside Bowness. There was a charming little Westie called Lucy staying there with her mum. (not her real mum obviously :)). On our first evening enjoying pre dinner drinks in the bar, we were introduced to Lucy, an extremely friendly and lovable little pooch. Suddenly she started whining and limped across to her mum. Cal and I were like OMG is she OK, what's happened?. Her mum, with a big smile on her face says yeah she's fine. She just needs a placebo. She proceeds to take this pill like item from her bag and pop it in Lucy's mouth and she immediately perked up and started running about again. A miracle pill I said. No just a dog treat she said laughing.

This dog had cottoned onto the fact that she'd get a treat if she pretended she had a sore paw. lol I love dogs but Westies have always been my favourite.
Thanks mate.
Had to leave him in the vets to get an x Ray.
Just leaving him and seeing his little face broke my heart.
Genuinely looking forward to trying a bit of reindeer, tbh. Just got to not let the kids hear what I'm ordering.
Never tried it but I imagine it will taste a bit like venison, which I love. Yes I'm a heathen too Jazzy. I also like rabbit, goat, duck and little suckling piggies too. lol

Are you taking the kids to see Santa Brett?
Never tried it but I imagine it will taste a bit like venison, which I love. Yes I'm a heathen too Jazzy. I also like rabbit, goat, duck and little suckling piggies too. lol

Are you taking the kids to see Santa Brett?
Yes mate, although I strongly suspect I’ll be the most excited out of all of us!!

What breed is he? (I don't eat dogs by the way just in case you're wondering lol )
He's a rescue dog.
Got a bit of staffie in him but not much , just a bits of parts dog.

Blue , that's his name , has such a wonderful disposition and personality. The most loving and simple dog in the world and to think that he was one of 15 dogs in a dysfunctional, druggie mess of a house in Kirkby when we got him 12 years ago.
He's a rescue dog.
Got a bit of staffie in him but not much , just a bits of parts dog.

Blue , that's his name , has such a wonderful disposition and personality. The most loving and simple dog in the world and to think that he was one of 15 dogs in a dysfunctional, druggie mess of a house in Kirkby when we got him 12 years ago.
Well I'm sure he's had a fantastic life since you and your lovely missus took him in Jazz. Let's hope that continues for a while to come and whatever shows up on the x-rays is treatable.
Just off out to the local to pick up a pasty. I allow myself 1 per week and the cupboards are a bit bare until I do my main shop tomorrow. I'm having another defrosted curry for tea, same as last night. It's a chicken dish and a mushroom dish tonight, last nights was pork. There were potatoes in the pork dish Sassy and they defrosted OK. I'm still alive this morning anyway. So I see no reason why the potatoes in the beef stew I froze shouldn't be the same.

The neighbours have invited me to join them on Christmas Day. So I thought I'd thank them by cooking a curry for them this Saturday. Their son and daughter will be coming too so I'll probably be cooking most of Friday in addition to Saturday. I'll do a chicken dish, a lamb or beef one, mushroom and cauliflower side dishes and a rice dish. The rice dish is a family recipe we got from Cal's chief bridesmaid who married an Indian guy. I doubt his mother knows I have her recipe so won't be upset if I share it in Sassy's recipe thread lol. I enjoy cooking and it will also give me something to do at the weekend.

Cal's old boss from the National trust came to see me this morning. She had works phone and PC to pick up but we also had a nice chat and I got a bit emotional. All the people she worked with had a collection and they are using it to buy a commemorative bench to put in the back garden of one of the properties where she used to work. (Apologies if I've mentioned this before). I thought it was a really nice touch and something I know Cal would really have appreciated.
Just off out to the local to pick up a pasty. I allow myself 1 per week and the cupboards are a bit bare until I do my main shop tomorrow. I'm having another defrosted curry for tea, same as last night. It's a chicken dish and a mushroom dish tonight, last nights was pork. There were potatoes in the pork dish Sassy and they defrosted OK. I'm still alive this morning anyway. So I see no reason why the potatoes in the beef stew I froze shouldn't be the same.

The neighbours have invited me to join them on Christmas Day. So I thought I'd thank them by cooking a curry for them this Saturday. Their son and daughter will be coming too so I'll probably be cooking most of Friday in addition to Saturday. I'll do a chicken dish, a lamb or beef one, mushroom and cauliflower side dishes and a rice dish. The rice dish is a family recipe we got from Cal's chief bridesmaid who married an Indian guy. I doubt his mother knows I have her recipe so won't be upset if I share it in Sassy's recipe thread lol. I enjoy cooking and it will also give me something to do at the weekend.

Cal's old boss from the National trust came to see me this morning. She had works phone and PC to pick up but we also had a nice chat and I got a bit emotional. All the people she worked with had a collection and they are using it to buy a commemorative bench to put in the back garden of one of the properties where she used to work. (Apologies if I've mentioned this before). I thought it was a really nice touch and something I know Cal would really have appreciated.
Sounds like you've had a very emotional morning Fred and that Cal was very much loved.

Lovely gesture by your neighbours to invite you for Christmas Dinner and reciprocal by your in cooking.

I'm sure this must be a really difficult time mate . You know that you have lots of friends to help you.

Take care.

Just been told I can pick the little fella up at 1pm. Don't know when I get the results.

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