Messymascot's faith in humanity and ginger safe haven

Was Lau's the one in the big house in Sefton Park?. Or the one by the Coconut grove. I always get those two confused.

The one in Sefton Park was our favourite back in the day. They used to do the most amazing prawn spring rolls that were lovely dipped in the hot Malaysia chilli sauce. ;)
The one in Sefton Park. It was amazing. Still my favourite ever Chinese restaurant. When I moved out of my Mum and Dad's I bought a flat in the house next door to Lau's. It was way too tempting when my friends came round to phone Lau's up and ask if they had a table available in the next 5 minutes!
Morning Messy and the gang.

Up pretty early today.

Had a bit of roof damage in the recent storm and builder here first thing to fix.

Bit of a complication because I've got to take one of the dogs whose 14 to the vets. He started to limp for no particular reason so a worry.

Anyway I hope that today is a good day for everyone.

Last table tennis match before Christmas tonight.

Hope you have a good day Messy and it would be lovely to hear from you if you can.
Jazzy, I hope everything is okay with your doggie. Our pets are our family and the thought of losing them can’t be very painful, you are in my thoughts.
Morning Messy, Fred and all. Bit late posting today. Visit to GP this morning regarding eyesight problems which went well, on to Opthamology on Friday so hoping that goes well too. Meanwhile the sun is shining so a good day for me so far. Have a good day everyone.
@Gwladysover I hope your visit to the GP goes well and that you had a better night of sleep
Good morning Messy, Fred and the gang, quick swing for me at work today then off for a week, having an old friend for lunch tomorrow (sound like Hannibal Lecter) a wee trip to Glasgow with Mrs LT on Thursday for last of the Christmas shopping and then they're opening my bowls club up on Friday evening for a Christmas get together, I like this semi retirement.
Hope you are all good and starting to feel the Christmas spirit, that's the tree now up and my youngest daughter will be home on Saturday from uni which I'm looking forward to.
Have a good day everyone whatever you're doing and wherever you are, we're certainly spread far and wide when you stop and think about it.
LT, enjoy your upcoming week off work and your time with your youngest daughter. Our family was just commenting that being in CR has taken away some of that Christmas spirit. I guess not being home cold, looking at our Christmas tree and instead being in a tropical weather has made it feel different, but I am not complaining.
Just off out to the local to pick up a pasty. I allow myself 1 per week and the cupboards are a bit bare until I do my main shop tomorrow. I'm having another defrosted curry for tea, same as last night. It's a chicken dish and a mushroom dish tonight, last nights was pork. There were potatoes in the pork dish Sassy and they defrosted OK. I'm still alive this morning anyway. So I see no reason why the potatoes in the beef stew I froze shouldn't be the same.

The neighbours have invited me to join them on Christmas Day. So I thought I'd thank them by cooking a curry for them this Saturday. Their son and daughter will be coming too so I'll probably be cooking most of Friday in addition to Saturday. I'll do a chicken dish, a lamb or beef one, mushroom and cauliflower side dishes and a rice dish. The rice dish is a family recipe we got from Cal's chief bridesmaid who married an Indian guy. I doubt his mother knows I have her recipe so won't be upset if I share it in Sassy's recipe thread lol. I enjoy cooking and it will also give me something to do at the weekend.

Cal's old boss from the National trust came to see me this morning. She had works phone and PC to pick up but we also had a nice chat and I got a bit emotional. All the people she worked with had a collection and they are using it to buy a commemorative bench to put in the back garden of one of the properties where she used to work. (Apologies if I've mentioned this before). I thought it was a really nice touch and something I know Cal would really have appreciated.
Good to know about the potatoes, Fred. Before I finished reading the post I was about to ask about that rice recipe, looking forward to check it out.

What a nice gesture that Cal’s former coworker came together to honor her that way and speaks very highly about the great woman Cal must have been to receive such
Good morning @messymascot Not good news on the injury front for Everton is it. I fear the worst tomorrow.

Hello all. How is everybody doing. Not much to report from the north east today. I'm about to go outside and feed the family of crows that live between the roof of the barn that forms part of the boundary to our back garden and the trees at the back. There is about 12 of them - they've been there for years. They expect food every day now and wait on the fence for us. I love them - they are so clever. They are in for a treat today. I made crispy duck last night so they have got all the duck bones to scavenge on. Beats the mouldy bit of pitta that they got yesterday! We also have a huge gull that visits ( miles from the sea here) but he only ever turns up for the good stuff so he might come along today as well.
Ange, enjoy your day off! Lucky crows to have you as their feeding mama. Now let’s talk about that crispy duck and the possibility of getting the recipe posted :)
Good morning all and of course @messymascot thanks @Reedy1979 for the update but a pleasure to see a post from the man himself ,once again a bright start for me .
I love my life here in Finland but the main thing you cannot get is a good banger ,all this talk of them must stop for my sake .I have even googled making homemade but when you see what goes in them ! I suppose that is why they taste so good .Is it just psychological or not that all the good things are bad for us ?
Being on a diet for health's sake does limit me from eating too much of them but I do love a bar of chocolate and a bag of crisps .
Have a great day all .
@blue1948 I totally get what you mean about missing a good banger. In Colombia we have some very delicious ones and the area where I live in the US I can’t find them so I’m always craving them. But at least I can find very good chocolate because like you I enjoy a good bar or truffle lol
Yes mate, although I strongly suspect I’ll be the most excited out of all of us!!
That’s exactly me lol Enjoy Santa’s visit but don’t tell him about your reindeer food fantasies ;)
Good morning @messymascot and all the good friends here. It has taken me almost an hour to catch up with this thread, the WiFi signal is painfully slow here but I still want to make sure to try to stop by as often as I can to check on everyone, specially you, dear Karl.

Today we are heading for the beach which this Colombian sun loving woman will truly enjoy. The experience the past few days in this area has been magnificent but I’m done with rain and believe me when I tell you that we have experienced our fair share of it the past few days. But it was totally worth it.

I hope everyone has a good day. Xx

Jazzy, I hope everything is okay with your doggie. Our pets are our family and the thought of losing them can’t be very painful, you are in my thoughts.

@Gwladysover I hope your visit to the GP goes well and that you had a better night of sleep

LT, enjoy your upcoming week off work and your time with your youngest daughter. Our family was just commenting that being in CR has taken away some of that Christmas spirit. I guess not being home cold, looking at our Christmas tree and instead being in a tropical weather has made it feel different, but I am not complaining.

Good to know about the potatoes, Fred. Before I finished reading the post I was about to ask about that rice recipe, looking forward to check it out.

What a nice gesture that Cal’s former coworker came together to honor her that way and speaks very highly about the great woman Cal must have been to receive such

Ange, enjoy your day off! Lucky crows to have you as their feeding mama. Now let’s talk about that crispy duck and the possibility of getting the recipe posted :)

@blue1948 I totally get what you mean about missing a good banger. In Colombia we have some very delicious ones and the area where I live in the US I can’t find them so I’m always craving them. But at least I can find very good chocolate because like you I enjoy a good bar or truffle lol

That’s exactly me lol Enjoy Santa’s visit but don’t tell him about your reindeer food fantasies ;)
Well done Sass. Pretty certain you missed nothing out there. You must have been taking notes ?

Morning all and most of all Karl ,@Sassy Colombian can we please stop talking about sausages as I am googling recipes again ,I have never wished to make chocolate so that is safe .
I hope we all have a good sleep tonight after this evening .
I have not heard a whisper but will the commentator/s be on line for @messymascot when the game is on ? I watch the game from the other end of the room to my computer so I have to do catch up .
I am just trialling a service that gives me 3000 and more channels including sport but of course it will stop just before the game !! Who said "The older you get --------"
Have a great day all the mascoteers .COYB
Morning all and most of all Karl ,@Sassy Colombian can we please stop talking about sausages as I am googling recipes again ,I have never wished to make chocolate so that is safe .
I hope we all have a good sleep tonight after this evening .
I have not heard a whisper but will the commentator/s be on line for @messymascot when the game is on ? I watch the game from the other end of the room to my computer so I have to do catch up .
I am just trialling a service that gives me 3000 and more channels including sport but of course it will stop just before the game !! Who said "The older you get --------"
Have a great day all the mascoteers .COYB
I'm happy to provide updates. I'm sure @ jazzy will join in too unless it's his table tennis night.

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