Of course I didn't take offence! I am resigned to the fact that I married a 6ft 2 toddler@anjelikaferrett I hope you didn't take offence at my remarks last night about Mr Fs lack of sartorial elegance .
Anyway , got me thinking about what you are going to do with the 2 matching suits and I think I've come up with the answer.
Yeah after watching A hards days night again last night I think Mr F could form a band and be the Durham equivalent of the Beatles but instead of the Fab 4 he could be the the Fab 2 . Well he's already got the suits , now he just needs the band!
In fact Paul already envisaged this problem in "Drive my Car " , "I've got no car and it's breaking my heart but I've found a driver and that's a start".
Well if Mr F fancies it I'm happy to be the Brian Epstein.
Gorgeous day here so after an extremely large fry up I will be cutting loads of grass before I go to watch the cricket with a beer or two.
Have a lovely day everyone.

Enjoy the fry up and the cricket.
You're welcome to try and manage him...