Can't remember if I have moaned about this in here or not, so feel free to read ahead if I have:
I have had a lower back issue for a while now. First happened about this time 3 years ago, where my back went into awful spasms for a few days, and when it eventually cleared up there was a noticeable displacement of my pelvis, and bad pains down my left leg. Cleared up after a while, since when it recurred 18 months later, another 6 months after that and now there's been 3 or 4 instances in the last year alone.
Once I realised I couldn't blame it on one-off issues during or as a result of exercise I got it checked out and it seems I have 2 bulging discs in my spine that were irritating the nerves that run down the length of my left leg. Had a root nerve blocker injection yesterday and already starting to feel better, mercifully.
Sadly, though, it means an end to my burgeoning running career (far too impactful on that area of my spine) and the latest episode was caused by walking 75k+ steps in 3.5 days in Dublin last week, so need to tone that down, and all.
Looks like a pivot to yoga/pilates and calisthenics is in order!!
That's pretty much all the news that's fit to print from me, except to say that I am looking forward to Aintree in a couple of weeks and praying my suits still fit!