Good morning, fiends. I would love to say happy Friday, but I can’t pretend to be content because my spirit is really down at the moment. Seeing so much unnecessary suffering is painful to my soul. Sometimes I’m puzzled why does evil tend to prevail at times more than goodness. Then I question everything in earth and heavens.
Early morning for me, even though I didn’t go to bed until past midnight. So I’m a bit tired but I will survive, it is the weekend after all. This week the weather has been gorgeous in Asheville. Yesterday was sunny and it got to almost 22°C, so we been having spring temperatures and they seem they are going to continue for another week. Which makes me very happy no only because I love warm weather, but because given the high energy prices we won’t have to be using our oil to heat our house and instead we can just make use of our pellet stove. This morning I have a doctors appointment to get some blood work done for my annual physical, then I need to work for a bit but besides that I have not much planned. I was supposed to visit my best friend and her kids but she has Covid. And two of my husband’s employees are also out with the virus so we are still dealing the effects of the pandemic here in the US but hopefully things will continue improving ??
I hope everyone’s day only gets sunnier
