Do you only read what you're told to? The Mujahadeen were created by the west for the sole purpose of drawing USSR into a Vietnam type conflict, costly and unwinnable. Not the other way round.
No one batted an eyelid when the Taliban took control subsequently, still funded via the CIA, nor when they started blowing up monuments ( only the Times ran a two pragraph piece that was never followed up), things that are suddenly an atrocity now, to suit the narrative.
Who's side are we on in Syria? Do you know? Do you think the wst knows itself? The answer is both, they funded both sides, created one in ISIS, and havent supported those at the sharp end against ISIS despite calls to...
What your opinion comes across as is the regurgitation of spoon fed propaganda with no contrary dialogue or information, which is patently wrong.
It is the choice between freedom fighters and terrorists, Irgun were freedom fighters, Hamas are terrorists, so we are told, so most believe, it's a tactic used for centuries to garner support for something in reality, and truthfully, they normally wouldn't