The way this thread has gone is comparable to how the world powers have argued, split hairs and postured throughout the entire crisis, meanwhile people suffer. This situation has been created by the Superpowers and the UK, Saddam observations are highly relevant but hindsight will not cure what is happening now and this is the problem to be addressed. Harshly, the future of Syria is dependent on its entire population, including those who have decided to leave. Those migrants will have extended family in that country hence some will wish to return others will not although ultimately that is where they all belong. It must be hugely questionable allowing a mass movement away from that country if that nation is ever going to recover thus the need for camps is vital, the poor folk having to use them must have their positions emphatically explained, any ignoring such advice should then be treated as being potentially illegal immigrants in any country they attempt to settle in. All other economic migrants should be treated without exception as being illegal immigrants and returned to their homeland. Some will scream what about asylum seekers, sorry while these extraordinary circumstances continue there can be no such excuse.
You can see from comments already made here that the 'Powell scenario' is looming large on the horizon and that is something we must avoid at all cost. Even the most extreme racists will truly not want to see blood on our streets because it just won't be Islamic blood. The way this debate is being presented at present by both politicians and media that could soon become an inevitability as both religious and race cards are being played far too often for my comfort. Some big question that should be asked is why the oil rich states are doing so little to ease this situation and why the so called economic migrants aren't taking their chances where the big money is.
While we splutter and dither people are dying, people are being ignored and sadly children die in circumstances that can be avoided and could well have been foreseen.