when people use the phrase "I was sh*tting myself" I just think it's vulgar especially when women say it
Text speak. Boils my blood
Puffy things.
Puff Pastry
Puffer Jackets
That Ridiculous Dragon
Puffing Billy
Pizza Puffs
Paul Merson's Face
Puff 2.1
Powder Puffs
Not So Much Huff but Deffo Puff
The Puff Effect
Cheese Puffs
Cream Puffs
Spinach Puffs
Tasty Puffs
Puff God Damn Daddy
The Pineapple Underground Film Festival
Ruff Puff
Helmut Puff
Puff Glass
Puff Pants
When the girlfriend says "What do you wanna eat?" and proceeds to shoot down every suggestion you offer.
Then when you ask them what they want they start giving you superfluous descriptions of the item of food without actually naming it.
"Not something greasy..."
"I just want something light."
To be honest that is about the extent of the hassle she gives me. She doesn't kick off over little things or go looking for a fight, she just genuinely cannot make a decision on what she wants to eat cuz of digestion issues. Gives me no end of headaches at dinner time mind, but she's a good'un.Dump her mate. She's not worth the hassle. Find yourself a lighter load.
Text speak. Boils my blood