Oversensitive cursors on modern computers, and oldie's (like me) who are schmucks.
I only logged on to post a few snide and sarky comments about the RS, and yet I have managed to order an Arran sweater, sized XXXXX, and also meet up with a person of indeterminate gender from the Philippine's.
The wife's friend's kid is an absolute bell. My kids were 3 one year ago and didn't act out constantly being a brat and screaming when it doesn't get it's own way. Maybe I just have weird nice kids but this kid needs a crack.
Arm bar the little ratCHIN HIM LAD
The wife's friend's kid is an absolute bell. My kids were 3 one year ago and didn't act out constantly being a brat and screaming when it doesn't get it's own way. Maybe I just have weird nice kids but this kid needs a crack.
Very, very few kids I like.When we were first married my wife invited a friend around who had a five year old son. The friend let him run amok. We were in the living room having tea when we heard a sawing noise. We went into the kitchen and the lad had got our bread knife (serrated blade) and was sawing the arm of one of our new chairs. The mother finally shouted at him to stop but then added 'because you might injure yourself'.
I'm not for being a prick like my ma was but being the opposite is just as bad, kids need some discipline and rules otherwise they're on a path to BellendiaWhen we were first married my wife invited a friend around who had a five year old son. The friend let him run amok. We were in the living room having tea when we heard a sawing noise. We went into the kitchen and the lad had got our bread knife (serrated blade) and was sawing the arm of one of our new chairs. The mother finally shouted at him to stop but then added 'because you might injure yourself'.
When we were first married my wife invited a friend around who had a five year old son. The friend let him run amok. We were in the living room having tea when we heard a sawing noise. We went into the kitchen and the lad had got our bread knife (serrated blade) and was sawing the arm of one of our new chairs. The mother finally shouted at him to stop but then added 'because you might injure yourself'.
I'm not for being a prick like my ma was but being the opposite is just as bad, kids need some discipline and rules otherwise they're on a path to Bellendia
The thought of having kids like this is really putting me off them altogether. Not to mention the state of poverty I’d be voluntarily getting myself in to.The wife's friend's kid is an absolute bell. My kids were 3 one year ago and didn't act out constantly being a brat and screaming when it doesn't get it's own way. Maybe I just have weird nice kids but this kid needs a crack.
Take it from a teacher .... I learned early on in my career of the irrational ferocity that some mothers have at the slightest criticism, constructive or otherwise, of their little darling.Proper fell out with one of my eldest lads, mates, mums over something similar a few years ago.
The kid was in our bedroom ( not allowed to start with ) swinging on a set of curtains and ripped the curtain pole down off the wall, leaving big holes in the wall.
The two of them got roared at and I phoned the kids mum, to tell her to come and get him, telling her what he`d done.
She went into orbit over the fact that I`d dared to shout at her son.
Haven`t spoken to her since and her lad isn`t mates with my lad anymore.
Job done![]()