Was booked on that Grand Central train a few years ago, they only run 2 trains a day and I was on the 2nd. Hellish journey getting there meant I didn't have a printed ticket, just a copy of my email confirmation. Sprinted for the train and got on seconds before the door closed, told the inspector who just grinned and said 'yer gonna have to buy another ticket then, aren't ya?'.I was on the bus just then and a little old man got on shaking, he must have had Parkinsons or something; he says to the bus driver "I've forgotten my bus pass" the bus driver replied "That's £2.30". I hate jobsworths, it isn't coming out of his wage ffs.
Fight the power, homie.Was booked on that Grand Central train a few years ago, they only run 2 trains a day and I was on the 2nd. Hellish journey getting there meant I didn't have a printed ticket, just a copy of my email confirmation. Sprinted for the train and got on seconds before the door closed, told the inspector who just grinned and said 'yer gonna have to buy another ticket then, aren't ya?'.
Did I fk, just sat on my bag in the entrance bit and refused to speak to anyone. My destination was first stop so not like they could throw me off.
Disagree. It's usually middle aged people or mums on the school run who seem to think they're immortal whilst carving up several people at once so their precious bloody offspring are greeted at the gates.People who dont observe drivers etiquette, mainly its young drivers, like not flashing when theres a speed trap ahead, letting on when you give way, leaving full beams on a night. Nob heads
Dont get me started on women drivers, especially the ones you see in there big range rovers or someother oversized cars, in there own little worldDisagree. It's usually middle aged people or mums on the school run who seem to think they're immortal whilst carving up several people at once so their precious bloody offspring are greeted at the gates.
Get started. I dares ya.Dont get me started on women drivers, especially the ones you see in there big range rovers or someother oversized cars, in there own little world