Women on Twitter.
Never has there been a more oppressed group of individuals in all of history, if you actually believe them. The suffering of the Jews in WW2 is laughable when compared to a woman with 200+ followers on a social media platform.
I get that there’s random weirdos that send pictures of their junk to girls, I also know that it’s massively inflated as to how many people actually do it. I don’t get why people would read these DMs etc.
I get that there’s people that try to shut down debate with ‘you’re a woman!’ and they are pretty much mouth breathing virgins for the most part.
But, Christ, some of these women spout absolutely vile, moronic wham on there with utter conviction and then get upset when people call them out on their BS. The term mansplaining is perhaps the most insidious phrase ever developed to shut down debate.
I’m not saying all women on there are bad, but there seems to be a level where suddenly they become proper bad weirdos convinced that their opinions are gospel and we need to hear their opinions on every little thing - especially when they start developing their weird gimmicks (As a mummy.../As a fuller sized lady/As a vegan) whatever the hot topic of the day is, they are there to throw in their two penneth.
I expect this to have gone viral by lunch and for the women of Twitter to have launched their white knight army to bring me down.
(Oh and that last sentence reminds me - the pathetic men on social media that enable these women. No she won’t sleep with you just because you ‘emphasis’ with whatever opinion she has.)