The manager gave me a free dessert as he could see I was fuming.Stood in a Maccies here waiting for food as the chinese is shut.
It's an utter freak show, like off Shaun of the dead and I could easily murder everyone in here.
Meetings... how hard is it to explain your pile of nonsense in the allotted time? If you ask for 30 minutes of my time, why am i still sat there after an hour. Thats a 100% variance.
I've literally just stood up and walked out without saying a word. I'll deal with the fall out tomorrow. Hopefully they fire me.
In 15 years I have never worked anywhere that wasnt chock full of pointless sit downs that lasted forever.
Every Monday morning we used to have three meetings.
The first to discuss the previous week - junior level.
The second to discuss the previous week and the first meeting - mid level.
The third to discuss the previous week and the first and second meetings - high level.
By the time the third meeting had been finished it was lunch time.
And people used to ask why I never wanted promotion lol
I had 3 meetings this morning all over running. The 3rd was a meeting about the meeting we were having this afternoon that I've just walked out of.
When am I supposed to do the work?
If in doubt have a meeting lol
The amount of arse kissing used to turn my stomach.
If in doubt have a meeting lol
The amount of arse kissing used to turn my stomach.
There are many things I miss from my previous life in a suit.
Daft money, expense account, company car, being paid to get bladdered, freebies in Dubai, South Africa, and Barbados, being paid to go to football and rugby matches.......
Deffo dont miss meetings. Nor power point presentations.
My company does this. The surveyors use the same crap contractors over and over and get loads of freebies whilst us site based people have to manage the morons they employ.There are many things I miss from my previous life in a suit.
Daft money, expense account, company car, being paid to get bladdered, freebies in Dubai, South Africa, and Barbados, being paid to go to football and rugby matches.......
Deffo dont miss meetings. Nor power point presentations.