The draws and shelves in fridges and freezers.
Why are they seemingly made of the most brittle easily cracked plastic known to man?
Why are they seemingly made of the most brittle easily cracked plastic known to man?
They are absolute dog turd though. Ring it, wait 5 minutes while it connects (if it connects) and then a crackly barely there voice helpfully tells you that they aren't in.The postman ignoring the brand new video door bell we paid £120 for which lights up as you approach it, and instead opting for the archaic method of thumping on the door to gain a homeowner’s attention.
Daytime TV ads are scary. A familiar old actor comes on and tells you to shell out for all sorts before it's too late - otherwise your family will despise your memory forevermore.I used one of them recently, Pure Cremation they were called, what a horrendous company with absolutely no compassion at all from start to finish.
*fixed*People who fly-tipTVs, mattresses, diy waste etc by the recycling bins at Tesco or Sainsburys.
You know who you are you craven, selfish, lazy types.
FixedPeople who fly tipoutside charity shops when they’re closed so they can’t be challenged by the staff. Trying to disguise their scum baggery and ‘donation’ of piss stained mattresses as a kind act. Then the charity shop have to pay for removal.
Utter cowards.
Up until a few months ago I was quite oblivious to this fact. Now I know why some of my drivers lose their bite.That needs a Posidrive screwdriver ,you can tell by the little diagonal lines going out from the cross .If there are no lines then it is a Philips .I love to help .
My family ? already do.Daytime TV ads are scary. A familiar old actor comes on and tells you to shell out for all sorts before it's too late - otherwise your family will despise your memory forevermore.
I really loathe Tik Tok. My wife sends me at least 3 a day that she has watched and invariably ythe are some anoying 30 year old woman who tells me she is a certified nutritionist and a certified diabetes educator and then proceeds to tell me I am a fat [Poor language removed] who doesnt exercise enough and eayts the wrong stuff... like I don't know...Cringey trends . Especially ones on TikTok .