Bit of a contradicting one this because i fume at myself and fume at the people causing it.
My phone going off when i'm at the gym, in the middle of my workout. So many times i've told people to ' just [Poor language removed] i'm busy right now '.... and its always people who know it annoys me. Can't seem to shake the fume off no matter what as i simply have to answer the call or txt. Which brings me to why i fume at myself. I'm in the middle of doing some reps and my phone goes off. Rather than ignore it, i stop to see who it was and what they want. Of course its always just random garbage like my sister ' shut it ', replying to a txt i sent yesterday, which makes it worse. I've tried putting my phone on silent and checking in between sets, just can't do it.
I have to see who it is though, because now ive secretly fumed about it for so long, if i turn my phone off, you can bet your life something very important will happen and i won't know about it for an hour or two. Which will again make me fume. Just a merry go round of fume.