What the hell is a chugger?
Charity fundraiser.
What the hell is a chugger?
Charity mugger.What the hell is a chugger?
Charity mugger.
Parasites in neon tabards who prowl city centres hoping to corner weak-willed people and guilt-trip them into setting up direct debits to charities.
Are your posts ghost written by Ayn Rand?
*googles furiously to discover who Ayn Rand is*
Still no.
People who cite really obscure references and expect everyone to just know wtf they are on about. And Terry Waite tribute acts.
I'm 24. I can show you my bus pass to prove it.Uncultured swine.
And old people who lie about their age.
None of this relates to the chuggers directly. I'm quite happy to donate to charities, but I don't like their salespeople accosting people in the street with fake chirpiness and a complete absence of social grace. You seem to have misunderstood the target of my vitriol.You'd love her mate. She wrote a lot about the evils of altruism and charity and how weak willed the generous are.
"The proper method of judging when or whether one should help another person is by reference to one’s own rational self-interest and one’s own hierarchy of values: the time, money or effort one gives or the risk one takes should be proportionate to the value of the person in relation to one’s own happiness.
Only a lack of self-esteem could permit one to value one’s life no higher than that of any random stranger."
If she hasn't been on top of the pops, I don't care who she is.Ayn Rand is no way obscure you bunch of utter philistines.
Christ almighty, you'll be asking who Shakespeare is next.
Yeah sounds great.....but is she fit?You'd love her mate. She wrote a lot about the evils of altruism and charity and how weak willed the generous are.
"The proper method of judging when or whether one should help another person is by reference to one’s own rational self-interest and one’s own hierarchy of values: the time, money or effort one gives or the risk one takes should be proportionate to the value of the person in relation to one’s own happiness.
Only a lack of self-esteem could permit one to value one’s life no higher than that of any random stranger."
Pictures or GTFO.Yeah sounds great.....but is she fit?
Yeah sounds great.....but is she fit?