Player Valuation: £70m
The Everton thread on RAWK hasn't had a post in 4 days, I wonder why...
My boys are 3 and already using farts for humour purposes. I'm so proud, even hi5'd one earlier for his comic timing.
Neil " fatty " Ruddock on - " Can't pay, we'll take it away "
3 grand debt over unpaid kennel bills and he's ducking and diving like a smack head on Giro day
That true? Crickey.
Went to a pie restaurant in Winchester (the most Tory place you've ever seen) called Piecarumba today with the Mrs. It was boss.
Had comics, old computer games and that type of shiz everywhere. Loved it.
Heads to 'Minor things that make you fume' thread.Tomorrow it will only be 12 more days till the next Everton game
I seen two deaf people today, it looked like a man and wife.
They were mouthing words and doing sign language to each other.
Just goes to show there is someone for everyone.