No offence to you, or others with a similar message, but this is a modern day reaction, when was it anyone else's issue if Kean is offended by Duncan's decision.
Seems like the feeling that there should have been a public show of affection from Dunc to Kean to assist Kean's feelings and the feelings of all those who were so easily upset amd offended by the Manager's decision just to make it easier for everyone to handle.
Sod that.
Respect needs to be earned.
Duncan has his reasons and they will no doubt be discussed hopefully because Kean goes to see him because he cares, and not because Duncan calls him in to explain.
Kean did well to show how upset he was without overstepping the mark like Ozil, whilst Ferguson made his decision and will deal with it afterwards whilst concentrating in that moment on the most important thing, the Team, not just one player, and rather than comfort Kean publicly, when he had clearly done something wrong in his eyes, despite not throwing him under the bus Like Mourhinio would in his Interview, he will no doubt give him the feedback and want to move on.
Maturity comes from dealing with that in the right way, meanwhile Ferguson is honest about what his remit is temoirarily, whilst firing a shot across the bow of the rest who would dare try it on.