That's a blatant lie, sorry! I was gassed after an hour too, but having a gallon of Guinness after training and getting pissed the night before a match didn't help! I presume this isn't Moise's regime?He's 19, a professional footballer who's only work is training to play football everyday and he can't last 90 minutes. At 19 I trained probably 1 hour a week, went the pub after and was as fit as a butchers dog. What the F do they allow him to get away with?
I heard a whisper about you dave.
Money paid for and money taken in wouldn't be the same proportion.
Lukaku > Richarlison in just about every department other than heading.
Kean - he's appalling. 19? So what?
Holgate showed his quality when he was here initially. Unlike Kean.
I think Moise Kean should go out on loan to a championship club and get some game time. He has the physical aspects, but he needs to work on his game immensely. Yesterday it was as if, he didn't know where to run most of the time, and his lack of communication and teamwork with Walcott and DLC was obvious. When he did get it, he'd lose it through a bad touch or pass. I think he needs to control his temperament as well, otherwise his teammates are going to get sick of it.
he isnt going to improve his communication and teamwork by going to another team is he?
Championship ffs lol
i know its just your hyperbolic way of saying you think he is rubbish, but what would you know anyway?