go on nostradamus, go on
Bye double standard M15 (not 9 to 5).
Hooper is 100x better football than Jelavic. Stokes is a bit crap like, better than Nais though.
Oh and dont call me lad, im 11 years older than you so show some respect grasshopper
Go on then ,,, i'll gladly read how you know the club will appoint Neville tomorrow.
Pipe down for a minute sunshine, the grown up's are talking.
you'll be called lad so long as Bluenose says so punk
watch this space
I've never had that much hair, like
* on topic..Ian Dowie in !!!!!
O Lord here we go
Why do you bother wasting your time coming on here Trolling ??? If you had a valid point and anything to actually back it people would listen...as it stands you make an unfounded comment and back it up with "Watch this space"...... well played sunshine.