Awesome, thanks for clarifying. I really hope something happens one way or another in the next few days to put an end to this madness!
Good afternoon gentlemen.
So I see about a hundred new pages have occurred since I last stopped by.
Am I right to assume these pages are filled with rumour, conjecture, people hating the awful new badge, people being a bit excited about America and generally nothing of note and substance about Moyes' replacement?
hey hktoffee, are you in Hong Kong ?
What's up? hk means howard kendell.
Before the spelling police get you HK... It's Kendall.
Apparently they're already here.....
ok soz mate, thought you were in Honkers
If you have me chance to delete FFS.
You're coming to HK for a trip? Tourists (westerner) no longer come since the British left. Full of communists here.
You're coming to HK for a trip? Tourists no longer come since the British left. Full of communists here.
octopus card at the ready old chum
So you are in 852?
First stop Wan Chai?
octopus card at the ready old chum
Yoe're from HK Pat?