Big story in the Echo covering it:
Coca Cola have tens of billions of dollars in the bank. They can afford to backtrack easily.
Why doesnt the club seek proper consultation with the fans before it makes changes like this?
One of the biggest happenings for the Arena was a bit of a personal downer for Dave himself. The homecoming of the Treble winners, Manchester United. Yes, as a born and bred Scouser this was a bit of a toughie for Dave, and he insisted on wearing his Liverpool shirt up until the very arrival of the team. He had to produce, manage and control United’s Treble winning homecoming celebrations, and the atmosphere was absolutely stunning. Along with the Eagles concert he rates these as the buildings best moments.
The claim they did. I would love to know who exactly. I had to laugh when they say that they consulted with disabled supporters groups as well as other fan groups. Looking at the badge, I think they must have consulted with the LA Chapter, President: Stevie Wonder.
So.. I know that it shouldn't matter providing that people do the job in a professional manner but I find this hard to shake off because I find the new badge wrong on several different fronts. The people who were in control of overseeing the badge design:
Dave Biggar - Commercial director - Liverpool fan
Nigel Payne - Creative director - ?
Mark Derbyshire - Graphic Designer - Facebook has him liking "This is Anfield"
Jim Fantozzi - Project manager - Has the Man City crest as his background on Twitter
It just doesn't seem right to me.
Bit harsh that mate.
Yes, nice move throwing the scapegoat out to the fans. It's the people who signed off on his work who should be getting it.Absolutely.
Brave move by Dave Biggar to actually put his name to something. You would expect he may start attracting attention with regards to all Commercial failings...
Actually, the club put the disabled supporters association forward to hide behind. That's how pitiful they are. It's basically an arse covering exercise of "look, we just carried out the wishes of shareholders and disabled groups who populate the Fan Forum". Complete cowards they are. Someone should be punted over this, but it wont be the people who rubber stamped it though.Not against disabled people mate. I am only really putting in words the pic someone put in one of the threads of Stevie Wonder saying "I've finished the badge redesign Bill!"