I just want a manager who wants to be here. Genuinely fed up of managers and players coming in after losses like nothing is wrong, talking down our expectations, looking like they’re doing us a favour just being here.
If we can’t have winning football then at least give the fans a bit of love for the club to get behind. Carlo had his moments of doing it but they died away as the season went on. We had a few games under Dunc and Unsworth (not saying they are the answer at all btw) where the fan base could get united behind someone they liked and there was a bit of fire back in the fan base. Everything else since Martinez’s first season though has just been complete apathy with fans just bickering with each other and even the wins being largely meaningless and predictable.
I’d take any manager who genuinely wants to be here and can motivate the players and the fans to get us all moving forward. I’m not even bothered about style at this point. I’d love to see an Everton team with 11 plyers scrapping for every ball, getting it forward quickly and battling for headers, throwing tackles in just as much as I’d like to see one that could pass a team off the park. The problem is we’ve been seeing neither, teams just floating apathetically through games season after season.