Eh, what ? Don't tease elaborate pleaseOh, and 80K
'We are what we are'
Can't believe you wrote that. With respect I don't think you fully appreciate what we are. We got huge crowds of 50000+ right up to the 1980s before grounds started getting smaller. The fanbase is clearly there. We have to think big because the club will grow, it isn't going to stay stagnant. There will be a huge demand for tickets once we move to the Docks, the setting alone will make it a major tourist attraction.
West Ham are not getting 10s of thousands of tourists. That's a myth. They're West Ham. They engaged their local community successfully. We are far bigger so there's zero reason we can't do the same in as large a facility. We're successfully doing it right now with Goodison. LFC get the crowds they get because they get loads of tourists. We engage the people of Merseyside. West Ham's season tickets are not that much less than what ours currently cost.
It would be a total failure if we don't have a 60000 minimum capacity. You don't build to meet demand now, you build to meet future demand. That's what any successful business does with such a major development.
If you're gunna tease you know somet , going as big as 80k makes it less believable.Oh, and 80K
Oh, and 80K
Too right. I often don't go to matches because all's left is restricted seating. If I knew I could go to the Everton website and get tickets with a good view on the week of a match, I'd go a lot more. Also, Goodison isn't very accessible, especially for people who come in the car, have to pay the extortionate parking fees in Stanley Park and Tunnel toll etc etc...If these issues are addressed, our match day attendance would rise purely through a better experience, cost and availability.
Same here mateToo right. I often don't go to matches because all's left is restricted seating. If I knew I could go to the Everton website and get tickets with a good view on the week of a match, I'd go a lot more. Also, Goodison isn't very accessible, especially for people who come in the car, have to pay the extortionate parking fees in Stanley Park and Tunnel toll etc etc...If these issues are addressed, our match day attendance would rise purely through a better experience, cost and availability.
Big assumption made about disposable income there though. I went to my one and only game this season in Jan. Unless tickets are a tenner, I won't be increasing that frequency unfortunately.Been thinking about this 60k thing. Thing is, we probably are already getting that many. How so? I'd guess a figure approaching that amount is the total number of Evertonians who pass through the turnstiles in any given season, if you count people who go as few as once a year. The trick will be to increase the number of season tickets by several thousand, encourage irregular attendees to go far more often and increase the number of away supporters at each game. Thoughts?
Big assumption made about disposable income there though. I went to my one and only game this season in Jan. Unless tickets are a tenner, I won't be increasing that frequency unfortunately.Been thinking about this 60k thing. Thing is, we probably are already getting that many. How so? I'd guess a figure approaching that amount is the total number of Evertonians who pass through the turnstiles in any given season, if you count people who go as few as once a year. The trick will be to increase the number of season tickets by several thousand, encourage irregular attendees to go far more often and increase the number of away supporters at each game. Thoughts?
Do what Milan do at the san siro, something city should do at the Etihad. Close off the top tier and open it when we have huge demand for games like United, City, Liverpool for example. Maybe also give some spaces away through EITC and other charities. Maybe include low income families and rewards to school kids who are performing well in their education ?
The fact is whether we have a 60k or a 50k capacity ground, we will fill it more or less every game in the first season due to the novelty of a new stadium drawing people in. In future seasons, we'll fill it for about 5 or 6 games a season, and games against Watford, Sunderland, Bournemouth, Hull etc. we'll have empty seats. That's just the way it is with any club outside of United, even Arsenal had loads of empty seats last week against Hull, at the end of the day who's really arsed?