Can't believe that some people actually expected us to announce today that we had paid for the land and then say "Here's a scale model of the planned stadium. Building starts next week"
If you intend building a house you first identify a suitable plot of land. (God knows this took long enough) You then secure an 'agreement to buy the land', provided planning permission is granted. This is exactly what we've done.
Once you are confident that you can afford the land, the planning costs, and the building costs (This appears to be where we are up to) you then draw up detailed plans (Dan Meis will have already been working on various plans for over 12 months. He can now concentrate fully on the specific design for the docks)
The plans are then submitted for approval (and our BIG advantage here, is that Meis will have been consulting and working with the council planners throughout. He will be well aware of any potential problems)
IF plans are accepted, you pay for the land and begin building.
I fully expect the Council announcement today to be about their plans for the wider regeneration of the dock area and that this WILL include a stadium. Therefore planning permission will already have been granted 'in principle'
It will not be a formality, but I would be amazed if Meis can't come up with a design that will be acceptable to both the club and the council's planning Dept.
Today is a wonderful day. After all the false dawns, I am convinced now that this WILL happen.