By anyone who knows that you need more than nice drawings to make development proposals credible.
Well yeah, you need a number of things;
The will to make it happen...We need a new ground, which is the best way to do this?
Then the money to do it...How much will it cost me? Which usually leads to...
How much! ?
So, you've made the decision; New Ground.
Do I build it here or somewhere else?
Can I build it here? or is it too much mither?
Enter nice drawings that show you, yes, you probably
Can build it here if I have to...but you might have to do it in stages and you cant afford 1 stage never mind 4
Get over/admit, the fact that it
Can be done on site - which is the question here and now...not if it should be done, which is another
Anyway, the powers that were, aka, Bill, decided that it was all a bit beyond him - and we're now where we are today.
If for some reason it does fall over...much like my National pick...these nice plans will be dusted down, reworked and before you know it it'll be 'Commence Operation Do up The Bullens' or Moshiri will do a runner as quick as he can sell us off for aTenner to Bedsit Guy in Salford