New Everton Stadium

And we’re wanting to attract these football touristS too, why would they want to come to our new Stadium when a large portion of our support, it seems, don’t like these ’tourists’.

Lots of people visiting the city each year that may want to take in a premier league game at a state of the art, waterside stadium in a world heritage site area.

And we’re wanting to attract these football touristS too, why would they want to come to our new Stadium when a large portion of our support, it seems, don’t like these ’tourists’.
You have to weigh the odds of us having a dynastic success like Utd, Arse and the RS that attracts such tourist numbers against the likelihood of us not and having thousands of empty seats nearly every home game. I know where I'd place my bet
No, they didn’t. City’s average in 2007, before the takeover was just under 40k, gradually rising over the 10 years to 54k. Their capacity is 55k. There are Many reports that the figures City make public are very different to the GMP figures by upto 10k. They are supposed to average 10k empty seats each week. There are empty seats everywhere when they play hence, The Emptyhad. Also, even Pep himself has complained about the lack of atmosphere. And you think we could sell 65k

Yep we could, give us they’re money, and our fan base would outdwarf there’s easily

I don't think we'll be getting a 65k stadium mate. I think it'll be 52k (at a push 53/54k if any kind of tweak is possible) with the option of it increasing if ever standing comes back on a 1.1 ratio.

Whether 52k is too small remains to be seen mate, but I think 65k would be far far too big, far too costly for us.

Now, if we started to actually win some bloody trophies then things may be different

55k would be great imo

I dunno mate a new ground we should be aiming a lot higher when current clubs already are and will be than our new ground.

I think with a winning team we'd potentially fill it, for some games at least, but there would need to be very aggressive pricing. Which I'd be all in favour of, but it may not be cost effective?
Mate, the last time the capacity was about 52,000 we couldn't fill it to play Bayern Munich, the closest we came was 51,500 Vs the rs.
All though I hate to say a good word about The Board...for all the previously mentioned various reasons they probably have it right.
All the rest is just pie in the sky willy waving
You have to cut your suit according to your cloth

Re. your 'Agressive Pricing' - you're right about it being not cost effective if the plan is to spend extra money, which you will have to pay extra interest on, to build extra seats, which you will proceed to sell off for cbeap...if you can sell them at all.
We had this debate about stadium capacities here in Melbourne a few years ago and one of the strongest arguments put was that with the development
of virtual reality remote viewing there would be less need to actually be at the venue.

I've been to at least two, and probably more 70,000 plus crowds at GP, but the population of Liverpool was about double what it is now. People are able to move around the country more easily now, but will they be prepared to bother in 5, 10 years time when technology will make 'VR' as good as being there?

I don't think LFC always fill their new stand now, at a time when their supporters are having a good spell, and their capacity is nowhere near 60k, is it?
We had this debate about stadium capacities here in Melbourne a few years ago and one of the strongest arguments put was that with the development
of virtual reality remote viewing there would be less need to actually be at the venue.

I've been to at least two, and probably more 70,000 plus crowds at GP, but the population of Liverpool was about double what it is now. People are able to move around the country more easily now, but will they be prepared to bother in 5, 10 years time when technology will make 'VR' as good as being there?

I don't think LFC always fill their new stand now, at a time when their supporters are having a good spell, and their capacity is nowhere near 60k, is it?
They’re putting in plans to make Anfield a 62,000 capacity stadium.

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