New Everton Stadium

That's precisely my point, until it is clear that a football stadium is 1) needed & 2) sustainable(ish) there will not be a stadium built. The only thing that might change that it the emotionally / egotistical pull to deliver from owners, the city & the fans might drive it over the line, but if it's a business decision not a chance it actually starts til we all understand what is in front of us.
Covid deaths are currently running at less than 15% of flu deaths (and we're not into the flu season yet) with little sign of significant upturn. We live normal lives in the face of flu; we need the same in the continuation of Covid.
Covid deaths are currently running at less than 15% of flu deaths (and we're not into the flu season yet) with little sign of significant upturn. We live normal lives in the face of flu; we need the same in the continuation of Covid.
Where the old and vulnerable get vaccinated against it which allows everyone else to carry on as normal. Can you see the issue here?
Covid deaths are currently running at less than 15% of flu deaths (and we're not into the flu season yet) with little sign of significant upturn. We live normal lives in the face of flu; we need the same in the continuation of Covid.
Flu kills, no doubt- but this was a novel virus, in a time where flu doesn't usually spread, and killed many more than flu would during this period. I worked through swine flu (similar but less organ damaging than Spanish Flu), the illness and death was nowhere near, AND we had antivirals and regular vaccines. I lost 1 colleague, who was 26, but this time- lost several colleagues across the northwest, and many more have been in intensive care with life changing sequelae- strokes leading to blindness, clots, permanent throat damage- this is with lockdown, proper PPE- that we didn't have during swine flu.
I really, really want life to be normal, and had been really optimistic as lock down eased- but the increases I'm seeing in communities now, tells me Joe Public places it's own liberty above the wellbeing of their community. I went to Tesco the other day, and saw only 1 other person wearing a face mask.
Never ever during flu season do the public maintain distance, wear masks, wash hands so regularly, plus the vulnerable got vaccines- please factor that onto your thinking.

That's precisely my point, until it is clear that a football stadium is 1) needed & 2) sustainable(ish) there will not be a stadium built. The only thing that might change that it the emotionally / egotistical pull to deliver from owners, the city & the fans might drive it over the line, but if it's a business decision not a chance it actually starts til we all understand what is in front of us.
This = Game, Set and Match.
That's precisely my point, until it is clear that a football stadium is 1) needed & 2) sustainable(ish) there will not be a stadium built. The only thing that might change that it the emotionally / egotistical pull to deliver from owners, the city & the fans might drive it over the line, but if it's a business decision not a chance it actually starts til we all understand what is in front of us.

I can foresee see possible quotas for stadiums where the amount of people that allowed in will be restricted by the space in and around the stadium. In that case we would still have a big business case for moving as Goodison compared to most stadiums holds a lot in a relatively small area.
I can foresee see possible quotas for stadiums where the amount of people that allowed in will be restricted by the space in and around the stadium. In that case we would still have a big business case for moving as Goodison compared to most stadiums holds a lot in a relatively small area.

But that gets even messier; are we building a stadium with living with Covid or post Covid in mind? With the exception of "heart ruling head" I see no logical argument for a new stadium being built until we are really clear on what's ahead of us

But that gets even messier; are we building a stadium with living with Covid or post Covid in mind? With the exception of "heart ruling head" I see no logical argument for a new stadium being built until we are really clear on what's ahead of us

What I mean by that is if the government at somepoint in the future say you can have a quarter of the normal capacity IF the modelling shows the concourses/exits area around the stadium can disperse that amount of people easily. Then some grounds will be more affected than others, including Goodison. It's possible you could end up with say nearly 20k at Old Trafford but 6/7k here where let's face it if you walk down the concourse in the upper Bullens on your own it feels tight. That would put us at a disadvantage in terms of atmosphere and of at least clawing back some income as we would be doubling the size of the attendance with a new build. And maybe we could have even larger capacity if it's not done by percentage of total capacity and more by area per person, seeing we are designing it to be able to hold 62k with safe standing.

There is also the naming rights which look like they will cover the cost of the financing, so why wouldn't we build it now? Even if you said it will stay like this for years, it's not like you could just build a small stadium for those 7-14k as they would have to be spaced out anyhow.
That's precisely my point, until it is clear that a football stadium is 1) needed & 2) sustainable(ish) there will not be a stadium built. The only thing that might change that it the emotionally / egotistical pull to deliver from owners, the city & the fans might drive it over the line, but if it's a business decision not a chance it actually starts til we all understand what is in front of us.
Any delay will see prices rise exponentially.
Costs will also be incurred should any planning permission expire and the whole process have to be re-started.
We need the new stadium to have any chance of continued progression, without it we will almost certainly stagnate.
This stadium is being built , pending only the granting of PP.
Any delay will see prices rise exponentially.
Costs will also be incurred should any planning permission expire and the whole process have to be re-started.
We need the new stadium to have any chance of continued progression, without it we will almost certainly stagnate.
This stadium is being built , pending only the granting of PP.

My understanding is PP last 3 years from being granted to begin development. Club will take use this time if we are not clear on a post covid landscape. I would love to see it happen tomorrow, but feel it is very very unlikely
My understanding is PP last 3 years from being granted to begin development. Club will take use this time if we are not clear on a post covid landscape. I would love to see it happen tomorrow, but feel it is very very unlikely
Once PP is granted there will be " spades in the ground" straight away.
I suggest you do a little research as to the timescale and very recently the appointment of various parties employed in the construction before you jump to your conclusions.

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