All joking aside the club would have done well to get Kevin and his Grand Designs team involved right from the initial meetings.
EFC: Hi Kevin, so yeah..... We have finally decided to move on. We're building a football stadium on a derelict brownfield site.
Kevin: Not a bad idea! Cheap land, regeneration. Very good.
EFC: Yeah, it's over a dock still full of water. Oh, and it's on a World Heretige Site.
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Kevin: OK...... And how much experience have you got with this kind of project?
EFC: Not much, we've messed around previously with plans but nothing really got off the ground.
Kevin: Why was that?
EFC: Truthfully, money.... Or lack thereof.
Kevin: So what's your budget this time?
EFC: We're hoping it's in the region of 500m pounds.
Kevin: OK, quite a sum when in the past you had no money.
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EFC: Honestly? All of it. We're relying on the goodwill of our owner to self fund it. He had hoped to pay it off with a perfectly above board naming rights deal but Putin stopped that.
Kevin: Well, I think your very brave. See you in two years.
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We lived in Wulstan St back in the day and the smell was a nightmare!
My Old Man said it was a factory processing " bones etc" from dead animals for use in other products, was proper bad in the Summer months.
Must admit if it was sewage, never heard it mentioned, always assumed my Dad was *right!
*wadda a mistake to make on so many occasions lol!
Premature exhilaration?Not loading up mate
Who goes to the match for a meal?Would the smell put people off from doing stadium tours or visiting stadium restaurants on non match days?
I think that's the whole idea now, with the surveys etc they seemed to be pushing more food and drink at the stadium. So you would grab food and beers before the game at the game.Who goes to the match for a meal?
Loads of people, provided the food is decent and the service is up to scratch. (it's not for me, but it's a good halfway house between a normal seat and full corporate.)Who goes to the match for a meal?
Who goes to the match for a meal?
Any good chippies near the new ground?
Did I read something previously that basically said it's mainly being prefabricated off-site and then just clicking together? Like they do on Grand Designs just without Kenwright living in a carvan over Christmas.
Quoting this from 2016 after finding it on Google;
Have the club made ref to any effort/the smell of sewage?
Exactly this.Judging by the huge queues outside various chippies and take aways around Gooodison Park, lots of people want feeding. I'm sure the club will cater for all pockets if they are looking to maximise income.
Would the smell put people off from doing stadium tours or visiting stadium restaurants on non match days?
Yes I think they have a similar agreement in place now with the RS…It has been established that on the occasional day there is a whiff in the air. I'm sure the club will be in touch with their neighbours to make sure the particular process or whatever it is that takes place to cause the pong doesn't happen on a match day or when there are any other events taking place. Forgive the pun, but I really don't think it's anything to make a stink about.
Having worked on sewage plants and more recent just down Regent road from the site, the smell isn’t even that bad and you quickly get used to it. UU also spend large amounts on odour control systems and I’m guessing this will increase on the Sandon Dock site, due to the stadium and surrounding Liverpool Waters development. S Norton scrap yard smells way worse, especially when it’s warm.