The financial plan was sketchy at £500m.... but we all turned a blind eye because bank of daddy ruled, and all expenses were covered. At £760m, with no bottomless pit sponsor and potential relegation, that financial plan looks at least as precarious as Valencia's. Hence the inability to secure an attractive loan deal and the on-going search for new investors.... and possibly the reason for our inability to secure any urgently needed new players, despite selling £100m+ worth in the past 6 months. We've had their scatter gun economics on the pitch that has left us completely hamstrung. Have they been equally and as dangerously frivolous with the stadium financial plan?
I increasingly view this whole Moshiri ownership/stadium debacle and our collective reaction to it as the first stage of grief for the loss of what this club once was. We'd just reached a point of desperation where dissenting voices barely registered. The kool-aid of a fools hope was just too alluring after 20 years of slow bleeding.
How else can the massed ranks of blues with fingers in their ears, gleefully humming Z cars be explained?
How does a new £500m stadium, next to a sewage works, with just 52,000 seats pay for itself with a northern fan base? (Hush now, it's on the banks of the royal blue Mersey, we'll be financially and culturally dominant in no time! Kopites are bricking it. Banks will fall over themselves trying to get involved)
What sort of basket case club generates losses on this scale or runs with a wages v turnover ratio of this size? (Relax, it's all part of Uncle Uzi's grand plan. We'll be on par with the big 6 soon enough. Moshiri is a billionaire accountant, they never lose money really)
Won't Brexit, COVID and inflation impact on stadium build costs? Finances would be really sketchy then. ( Uncle Uzi has it all in hand. Owns a steel mill don't you know. Mosh is still an accountant, er.... Oh and good old Denise has negotiated the bestest fixed price deal known to man. Pah and to think some of you doubted the wisdom of appointing a small-time charity chief executive to run a club embarking on one of the biggest infrastructure projects in the world).
Hmmm. This Ukraine business doesn't look promising for us. How the hell do we stay viable without Usmanov and his oceans of cash in the background? Won't Mosh be impacted? (You just don't get billionaires. They can work around anything governments put in their way. Anyway, Uncle Uzi isn't that close to Putin, so won't be affected..... Crap. Never mind, Mosh is an independently wealthy. Billionaire accountant don't you know. Barely any links to Usmanov really. All is well. Chill)
What sort of billionaire can't source loans to help finish a hugely viable new build stadium? Come to think of it, what sort of billionaire announces a stadium funding gap and the says 'I could of course cover this myself.....however....'? (Are you seriously suggesting our independently wealthy billionaire accountant who never loses money and definitely hasn't in any way been impacted by sanctions couldn't magic up another £400 odd million to fund a stadium that is definitely going to pay for itself? Anyway, there are wealthy people all over the place just desperate to by a minority stake in us at this juncture to help fund this definitely viable stadium)
Isn't it frustrating that other clubs have gone about increasing capacity and income generating potential so substantially at their hemmed in and dilapidated old stadiums at a fraction of the cost we're now bearing? If only the club hadn't falsely ruled out that option 15 years ago and then spent the intervening years refusing to acknowledge their error. ( What other clubs, including one roughly a mile away, have done has no bearing on what would have been possible for us. We had no option. Bill said so. So did good old honest Joe on the council. Anyway, are you really questioning the logic of our completely viable new build on the royal blue Mersey?)
It's noticeable that, somewhat belatedly, the humming seems to be dipping in volume.
The time for anger is fast approaching