Are the shareholder association meetings minuted Tom ?Im a member of the Shareholder's association exec committee. He stated at a meeting with that group that the whole cost of the stadium including prep was originally £500m and that it has increased to £760m. Straight from the horse's mouth! Whether he is lying or inflating that figure, I have no idea.
We also have not secured the funding gap loan, our chief benefactor is sanctioned for the foreseeable and upto last year we were bottom of the FFP league with basketcase financial figures and an owner who had to capitalise massive previous debts.... I'm not sure what you/we have to gain from ignoring those facts.
You seem to hang onto to his word but yet not when he says he can fund the stadium himself ? you keep going on about this mysterious funding gap loan yet all signs point to a 2nd group of investors coming in.
Facts are the only thing I take notice of , as of yet you have yet to furnish any , only your misplaced opinion as you've never been behind this project from day one.
This is out of our control , we are mere bystanders and the movers & shakers are making this happen.
Tom , again ....Move on mate.