I can't read the entirety of the letter as the formatting is too small. This done not read like a letter a potential investor would write. It looks like what a Kopite thinks a letter of enquiry would sound like. I am amazed they have mentioned the 5 European Cups in the intro. There is no way you would go mentioning price in the opening paragraph. Nor would a deal of hundreds of millions be discussed so brazenly.
Finally in the modern age there is absolutely no way issues of such magnitude are discussed via letter. Not when you have email, and conference call facilities available. (It would not be done by those either, it would be done with face to face meetings with lawyers present). The other point is, if it were genuine there is simply no way that it gets tweeted out without a lot more information being redacted. No company would want that letter public and they would put the legal feelers out to ensure it wasn't published on twitter. There will be all sorts of confidentiality clauses preventing leaking of information in discussions that are actually happening. The fact the tweet hasn't been taken down states to me it's a hoax, as if it were real that would have been removed quite quickly alongside the threat of legal action.
Think about when we were bought over. Even with the Americans who we had good intelligence on (compared to the other extreme of Moshiri who there was very limited intelligence) we knew very little about it and certainly knew nothing about it at the time of the proposal stage. The Liverpool Echo had far less information than this and that was at the closing period. Likewise whoever has given them that letter had it been genuine would have done so on the precaution that it cannot be made public. It is unfathomable that a football podcasting website would have been given access to that level of legitimate information and had it been legitimate would been plastered all over twitter.
That being said, lets take it at face value. It states developing Anfield & building a new ground. That doesn't make sense. FSG have made it clear they want to remain at Anfield and it means the redevelopment place us just pouring money down the drain. It makes it very unlikely.
In the off chance that all of the above information is correct, the new Investors want to waste the redevelopment on Anfield can force FSG to change tact (as they look to want to be minority shareholders) then they face the very real objection that LCC will only want 1 stadium built on the waterfront.
What we know from the Council is that Everton have been in discussions for some time. We are also told on good authority discussions with Everton are quite advanced which goes along with Joe Andersons 3 years stuff. If Everton are designing stadiums and paying for architects (as The Esk suggested) then there is a very real chance Everton will enter a period of exclusivity on the sites. If we haven't already that will follow and is normal protocol. You don't take the time to pay outside agencies to build designs unless you secure exclusivity as they can simply take their ideas elsewhere at the end of the process.
What this may be, is an underhand way to either destabilise that project or a way to curry fervour to the idea of building a joint stadium. Someone from FSG may have been surprised at this and thought "lets plant something which could change the narrative somewhat, we need a few gullible idiots who will carry it though". Step forward ginger nut Hughes and his gang of 40 year old virgins at the Anfield Wrap who will uncritically carry stuff. The Echo would never have ran with it and I suspect they may have tried their first and been told to do one.
All summation of course. What I am certain of is that letter is not genuine. It smacks of a bloke in a bedsit in Manchester!