Nothing xenophobic about wanting these mutant Irish-Celtic-Everton fans banishing into the nether.
That is so wrong on all counts, need a bath mate.
Nothing xenophobic about wanting these mutant Irish-Celtic-Everton fans banishing into the nether.
The stadium will no belong to the club when it is finished. That seems clear from the financial mess we are in.
Everton players running that's a firstSo fans/ players can't leg it during games
Nothing xenophobic about wanting these mutant Irish-Celtic-Everton fans banishing into the nether.
Nothing xenophobic about wanting these mutant Irish-Celtic-Everton fans banishing into the nether.
We are clearly dealing with a well adjusted, educated, intelligent, happy personality hereNothing xenophobic about wanting these mutant Irish-Celtic-Everton fans banishing into the nether.
The Irish have been travelling to watch Everton for generations.... in fact far longer than they have any other club. On top of that, something like 75% of the city's population is of Irish descent and in the days of half and half bobble hats many were half celtic. So, to hell with Liverpool and Rangers too....
Nothing xenophobic about wanting these mutant Irish-Celtic-Everton fans banishing into the nether.
Wasn't he Jewish?jesus
Slagging off fellow Blues isn't going to win you many friends, I suggest you strongly consider apologising for this comment.Most of you are sound, the IrishCelticEvertonian's that have popped their heads up the last 2 years however are not.
You come across as something of a bigot... or as is a popular description on this forum - a bellend.YOU brought up the 90's in the first place you complete flute.
We currently sell out our stadium despite being utterly crap, we don't have a massive chunk of foreign-PL only fans travelling over to us, we will sell out regardless of the division because we are Everton fans, not PL fans.
The only fans I would hope it would stop attending are the newfound cohort of Irish-Evertonians like yourself that should just go back to being the kopites they're desperately trying to be.
Stop that oul fella coming in with his purple binTo stop the dog walkers and kite flyers
It's a great word isn't it. I think if I checked my word count on all of my postings on this forum it would beYou come across as something of a bigot... or as is a popular description on this forum - a bellend.
Attendances fluctuate for all clubs based on a variety of factors though.Pack it in with the personal attacks. I've been going to goodison religiously since the early 90s and I well remember matches before the age of sexy sky sports when we'd struggle like hell to come close to filling the old girl.
No chance a wet Tuesday night home to Rotherham or the like sells out. Likewise with us in the championship we'd be the big draw so our games would get moved all over the place for TV.