Couldn't have a chocolate bar as sponsor . . . there would be howls of protest from those who have a problem with obesity.Remove the ‘st’ and replace with ‘fl’ and that kit looks like a well known chocolate bar

Couldn't have a chocolate bar as sponsor . . . there would be howls of protest from those who have a problem with obesity.Remove the ‘st’ and replace with ‘fl’ and that kit looks like a well known chocolate bar
Only the crumbliest, flakiest defence?Remove the ‘st’ and replace with ‘fl’ and that kit looks like a well known chocolate bar
They could easily have done the shoot and had no sponsor - so instead would photoshop them in on a later date.
Cazoo are looking to save £200m a year so it's possible they initiated a clause or something themselves rather than us.
Cazoo to cut 750 jobs in UK and across Europe amid recession fears
Online car seller says ‘business realignment’ needed to protect profits in face of tougher economic
Cazoo have also signed 4 new deals since our deal was terminated. Marseille, Valencia, Bologna, Freiburg. Makes sense for them to have presence in multiple European markets rather than having 2 teams in the UKDoubt it mate.
Much more hassle than it's worth.
Don't think so - they'd have not retained other clubs/sponsorship if it wasn't delivering the return they wanted.
I have thought for a long time that having some god awful sponsor for the sake of less than a quarter of a Sigurdsson makes little sense. If we can get a good sponsor, great, if not go without. I wouldn't be surprised if that made it a more desirable option for sponsors.Here is my take on this. Don't have one. My three reasons:
1. Everton are so inept at sealing a good sponsorship deal, its not worth the money or effort.
2. No problem....the club would be better off as shirt sales would be through the roof. Many more fans would by a replica top. Idiotic sponsor names surely negatively affect sales.
3. We would look boss.
Terrible, are kids shirts blank ?