Welcome to Barcelonaton FC
Big, Fat, Survivalist Sam Allardyce. Cringeworthy that it has come to this, but we need him.
Koeman and Walsh need hanging
Big, Fat, Survivalist Sam Allardyce. Cringeworthy that it has come to this, but we need him.
Why not?
2 men and 2 same results. No guarantee anyone else comes in and has the same result as well
Give allardyce the job and you can guarantee one thing, we don't go down
They were/are just a symptom, the problem is at board level.Koeman and Walsh need hanging
Our defence are fine so long as they have 3 defensive midfielders in front of them. Once Gana went off, normal service is resumed. Had to go for it really, 1 point was no good to us but I do wonder if in the bigger scheme of things a clean sheet and not losing may have been more beneficial. We are terrible.
I won’t call our club “losers”.
Unsworth hasn’t taken his opportunity but he was dealt a poor hand. He has played a vital role in the future of the club. His time isn’t now but he deserved the opportunity.
I tell you one thing goodison is going be like a nut house if we loose Sunday.
They were/are just a symptom, the problem is at board level.
Airhead Moshiri will no doubt be on the blower right now begging that no mark from Wolves to 'come home to the Everton family' on a five year deal
Mentally fragileWe have a team of spineless rats, none of whom are capable of dominating a game, doesn't matter who is in charge of these flutes.