The Esk of courseWhats esks twitter? Dont follow him at mo
The Esk of courseWhats esks twitter? Dont follow him at mo
Whats esks twitter? Dont follow him at mo
Brewing up, fetching the sarnies...
Esk on twitter says 'some may be worried about apparent lack of progress but IMO absence of news coming from all sides should be viewed as a big positive'Whats esks twitter? Dont follow him at mo
Knows his stuff does Moley.Holey Moley, i'm sorry for ever doubting your ITKness.
Think the board may be playing this recruitment to perfection.
Can't say more than that at moment.
Sorry but will update later.
Esk on twitter says 'some may be worried about apparent lack of progress but IMO absence of news coming from all sides should be viewed as a big positive'
he's definately following Esks twitter, just saying it in a different sentencehe is only following esks tweets mate