In my more quiet reflective moments, I often think about what drives these elite coaches. Like, it aint cash. So that leaves glory. And then based on nowt but how my life panned out, I can build a narrative that might see an elite coach thinking "Why not?"
Hear me out. Its international week after all. In my working life, whilst appearing immodest, I was by most statistics one of the best in the country. I know, hard to believe, but its true. The financial rewards were significant. I was rewarded on top of big money with free holidays in Dubai, Cannes, Barbados, and South Africa. But as time moved on, it became boring. I knew I was good, I didnt need anyone to tell me, and after a while, the financial incentive became less interesting. Didnt need that much any more basically.
So I jacked it in. Got a van, and now happily deliver parcels of crap round Portishead.
So back to elite coaches. The accusation against them all is always, "But can they do it at a different level?" Or perhaps to rephrase, they have had the glory, they have the wealth, but do they have the hunger or desire to try sommet new?
No mate.
These elite coaches want the glory, theres no glory at Everton, only misery.