funny to see Seadderall fans so worked up. Just wait. The Pats were the darlings of the NFL 2001-2004. Now everything they do, even if within the NFL rules and approved by officials, is reason to whinge, which seems mighty silly when you get absolutely shelled.
so, considering the amount of Seahawks busted for PEDs under Carroll - which doesn't include Richard Sherman, as apparently a slightly leaky piss cup means he didn't pop positive (Sherman is the Ryan Braun of the NFL), it's only a matter of time before all their accomplishments are tainted and you get to enjoy the same neverending scathing commentary - mostly from also-rans who also have their issues. (See LDT whinging about Rodney Harrison using HGH in the mid-00's to get back from injury - for which Rodney has publically & profusely apologized and acknowledged he screwed up big time, while ignoring the fact the SD defensive stud, "Lights Out, HGH On" Merriman won the AFC defensive MVP in a season which he missed 1/4 of for popping positive for HGH.) Oh, wait, the ex-49er coach already started whinging. Just a matter of time until Nat'l news gets tired and makes them the target.
Seattle has a defense that is mostly illegal in the modern NFL (for which you can blame the Pats and willingness to drill receivers back in the Law/Milloy et all days of the early 00s, giving form to the rules that now benefit all QB's and have mediocre dudes putting up numbers that make Fouts' best look weak), and that should be the difference in the Super Bowl. Gronk can be the biggest difference maker to keep the Pats competitive.
But I'm sure if the Pats come up with the upset, the whinging will resume, as with the Ravens (over legal moves) and the Colts (45-7 and Brady's 5th worst passing game in 18)...
Just shut up, do your job, and play the game.